PhD position (m/f/d) in Molecular Biophysics of Antibiotic Resistance (65% TV-L E13, 36 month).
PhD position (m/f/d) in Molecular Biophysics of Antibiotic Resistance (65% TV-L E13, 36 month).
The Kozuch group investigates the function of (membrane) proteins that are relevant for the evolution of antimicrobial resistance. Particular attention is paid to how electrostatic interactions shape the formation of functional motifs. The methodological approach is based on a combination of vibrational spectroscopy and computer-aided simulations supplemented by the use of model membrane systems and biochemical methods. Dr. Jacek Kozuch completed his doctoral thesis in biophysical chemistry at the Technical University of Berlin, then did research as a postdoc at Stanford University (USA) and is now a junior research group leader within Experimental Molecular Biophysics at the Freie Universität Berlin.
This DFG-funded project aims to research how physical/non-covalent interactions in proteins contribute to the evolution of antibacterial resistance. By combining theoretical and experimental approaches, methods of computer-assisted vibrational spectroscopy will be developed in order to understand clinically relevant evolutionary trajectories.
Relevant publications:
We offer:
- the opportunity to conduct a doctorate within the stimulating, interdisciplinary and international environment of Freie Universität Berlin,
- the entry into fascinating and biomedically relevant topics of molecular biophysics,
- the development of modern, experimental and computer-aided vibrational spectroscopy.
Requirements and Qualifications
Completed scientific university studies (diploma, master) in physics, chemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics or in one of the related natural sciences.
We are looking for candidates with:
Experience with molecular dynamics simulations and/or vibrational spectroscopy; Knowledge and enjoyment in coding with Python; Willingness to work in an interdisciplinary environment; friendly and communicative demeanor; ability to work in a team; structured and independent work; knowledge of English; Fun and fascination with science, especially in the field of molecular biophysics.
The area of responsibility includes:
- the independent processing of this scientific project,
- the implementation of molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules in particular,
- infrared spectroscopic measurements in external electric fields (vibrational Stark spectroscopy),
- willingness to participate in international conferences,
- the opportunity for a doctorate is given as part of the third-party funded research project.
Selection process
Please contact Dr. Jacek Kozuch if more information is required (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! / +49 (0)30 838 64888) or visit the FU Berlin homepage:
Applications should be sent electronically until Feb. 28, 2022, indicating the reference code DFG-KO5464/4-1, (preferably as one PDF) to Dr. Jacek Kozuch: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.