PhD Position Topic: Investigation of the structure and dynamics of the ghrelin/GHS receptor complex


PhD Position

Topic: Investigation of the structure and dynamics of the ghrelin/GHS receptor complex

beginning: at the earliest possible date, payment according to TVL13 (65%)

working group: Prof. Dr. Daniel Huster, Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics,

                              Härtelstr. 16-18, 04107 Leipzig

The peptide hormone ghrelin plays a key role in food intake and body weight regulation. Ghrelin binds and activates the GHS receptor (GHSR) representing an important pharmacological target. In the project, structural details of the dynamic interaction of ghrelin with GHSR and its conformational dynamics in different states of activation will be studied. We use a combination of experimental methods of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation tools in collaboration with projects of the CRC 1423 “Structural Dynamics of GPCR Activation and Signaling”. Alterations of GHSR structure and dynamics, which occur upon binding of the agonist ghrelin, will be studied to address the mechanism of receptor activation and signal transduction to downstream transducer proteins. To understand the high basal activity of GHSR, we will plan to study the loss-of-constitutive-activity Ala204Glu GHSR mutant as downregulation of this basal activity represents a pharmacological goal.

The AG Huster at the Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics is an international group of ~15 people from different backgrounds. Our values are gender equality, mutual appreciation and support of each other to create a constructive and positive working atmosphere. A video of our group can be found here:


The candidate should hold a master’s degree in biochemistry, chemistry, biophysics or a relevant field.

Applications with a cover letter, a CV, all relevant university certificates and contact information of potential referees should be sent as a single PDF file per email to Daniel Huster, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

PhD Project ‘Multidimensional in vivo Spectroscopy: Molecular Structure and Dynamics in Complex Biological Reaction Environments’


PhD Project ‘Multidimensional in vivo Spectroscopy: Molecular Structure and Dynamics in Complex Biological Reaction Environments’

As part of the Cluster of Excellence ‘Unifying Systems in Catalysis’ (UniSysCat), the Horch research group ‘Ultrafast Dynamics in Catalysis’ aims to understand complex catalytic systems and superordinate reaction networks by using an integrated approach of advanced spectroscopic and theoretical methods. In particular, we are interested in metalloenzymes – huge metal-containing proteins that catalyse, e.g., the conversion of small molecules like H2 and CO2.

More details about the Horch research group and UniSysCat, can be found here:

Project Description

To establish a “greener” chemistry based on living cells, we envisage the design of a cellular system that uses waste material and unlimited sun light for sustainable hydrogen production. Developing such a system requires a detailed understanding of all involved processes on the molecular and cellular level. Together with multiple partners, the successful candidate will develop a multichannel in vivo spectroscopy approach to target the involved biological macromolecules, relevant cytoplasmic factors, and the interplay of these two types of cellular key determinants. Focusing on the hydrogen-producing enzyme, a [NiFe] hydrogenase, this strategy will expand previously established in vivo spectroscopic strategies by introducing ultrafast and multidimensional infrared techniques that yield details insights into structure, dynamics, and environmental interactions. In total, this approach will provide a guideline for the rational design of cellular catalytic systems.

Relevant Publications

Field of Work

- Ultrafast nonlinear infrared spectroscopic experiments (2D-IR and IR-IR pump-probe)

- Execution of such experiments at international research facilities

- Analysis and interpretation of spectroscopic data

- Interdisciplinary cooperation with other members of the overarching team project

- Manipulation and handling of delicate biological samples supplied by collaboration partners

- If beneficial, calculation of infrared spectroscopic observables by quantum chemical methods

- Writing of scientific articles for publication in international peer-reviewed journals

- Presentation of research results at international scientific conferences

We Offer

We offer a position in an exciting and challenging project with the opportunity to obtain a PhD. The project will be pursued in a dynamic, international, and cooperative team of scientists from different fields of research. The project is also part of UniSysCat, which provides the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary collaborations and build scientific networks. As a first-class location for science and a vibrant global city, Berlin offers an ideal framework.


Master’s degree (or equivalent) in the field of physics, physical chemistry, biophysics or similar

Desirable Qualification

Expertise and experience in the following areas is desirable, but knowledge in all them of them is not mandatory. Applications from candidates that are willing to learn about the listed aspects are welcome

- Excellent university degree

- Experience with infrared spectroscopy or vibrational spectroscopy in general

- Experience with ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy and data analysis

- Experience with (pulsed) laser sources and (nonlinear) optics

- Experience with quantum chemical calculations

- Experience with the handling of biological and/or oxygen-sensitive samples 

- Knowledge in biological, inorganic, and/or photo chemistry

- Programming skills, preferably in Python

- Ability to work independently and as part of an interdisciplinary team

- Creativity, enthusiasm, and a genuine interest in the advertised project

- Fluency in English (spoken and written)


Starting Date

As soon as possible

Application Deadline

13 March 2023. Applications sent after the deadline will be considered until the position is filled.


TV-L E13 (67 %) until 31 December 2025, funding by the DFG via UniSysCat, funding extension from other sources is possible

Selection Process

Please send your documents and requests to Dr. Marius Horch (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Further details can be found here:

Doctoral & Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Membrane Biophysics in Erlangen


Doctoral & Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Membrane Biophysics in Erlangen

Applications are invited for PhD positions/Postdoc/Senior Postdoc in our lab for theoretical and computational membrane biophysics at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.

Plasma membranes and in general biomembranes establish and maintain differences in composition between the cell or organelle interior and exterior. Biomembranes are the site for cell-cell recognition, they allow active and passive transport of material into and out of the cell, and they harbour proteins as initiators of signal transduction pathways.

Projects address the physico-chemical driving forces for the establishment of membrane domains within the immune cell plasma membrane, and their role for sensing of external signals by immune receptors and signal transduction, as well as membrane remodeling. The aim is to shed light on the cooperative action of proteins and lipids in shaping biomembrane structure.

Central questions for our research are

  • How are external signals sensed by immune cells, how do lipids contribute to signal transfer across the cell membrane, and how do lipids modulate immune cell activation?
  • What is the role of plasma membrane domains in immune cell activation?
  • Can we modulate or control immune cell function by cell membrane composition?

and more general

  • What are the physical driving forces for membrane domain formation?
  • How is domain formation linked to plasma membrane asymmetry?
  • How are plasma membrane asymmetry and biological membrane processes interlinked?

Applicants for doctoral positions:

Candidates should preferably hold a master degree in bio-/physics, theoretical/computational chemistry, life sciences or similar and a strong interest in interdisciplinary projects and collaborations to medical/immunology groups.


Postdoc applicants:

The successful applicant has a keen interest and strong skills in methods from statistical and computational physics, in particular atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. The project involves close collaboration with immunology groups. The Postdoc will have the opportunity to participate in a research cluster studying the structure and function of immune domains.

Other requirements:

High level of English and good communication skills; effective team working.

Erlangen is a center for immunobiology with more than 70 groups focusing on immunological topics. In addition, since 2021, the University of Erlangen hosts a National High Performance Computing Center ( with a focus on atomistic simulations.

Interested candidates should send one pdf document containing a cover letter, CV, and certificates to

Prof. Dr. Rainer Böckmann

Computational Biology

Staudtstr. 5, 91058 Erlangen, Germany

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PhD Project on Interaction of Rhodopsin and Cryptochrome as the Basis for Opto-Magnetic sensing in Birds

Magnetosensing is mandatory for seasonal long distant flights of birds and butterflies from north to south
and back and to find the home places of previous years. During the past 40 years strong evidence has
been collected that for magnetic orientation blue light sensitive Cryptochromes within the retina of the
eyes are responsible.
However, since birds are able to navigate at very low light intensities during the night an interaction of the
abundant rhodopsins with the only scarcely expressed Cryptochromes has been suggested.
In the open project unusual rhodopsins of birds and butterflies and their interaction with Cryptochromes
will be studied and characterized in detail in order to understand animal magnetic sensing. Behavioral
studies will be carried out in collaboration with behavioral zoologists.
Magnetosensing, Photobiology, unusual rhodopsins, flavin-based photoreceptors, UV-Vis and infrared
spectroscopy, EPR, ultra-fast spectroscopy.
Entry requirements
The applicant needs a MSc. degree (or equivalent) in biochemistry, biophysics, biology or related fields.
Basic skills in molecular biology are mandatory. The applicant should be prepared to work in a highly
interdisciplinary team with strong international collaborations.
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institute of Biology, Experimental Biophysics, Invalidenstraße 42, D-10115
Between August and December 2023
Four years of funding (3+1, three years with the possibility to extend for one year)

2023-HFA-Advertised-position_Hegemann.pdf (

PhD position (m/f/d) in Experimental Molecular Biophysics of Protein Misfolding in Neurodegenerative Diseases (65% TV-L E13, 36 month).

Logo der Freien Universität Berlin

PhD position (m/f/d) in Experimental Molecular Biophysics of Protein Misfolding in Neurodegenerative Diseases (65% TV-L E13, 36 month).

The Kozuch group investigates the function of biomedically relevant (membrane) proteins with a special focus on electrostatic interactions that shape the formation of functional motifs. The methodological approach is based on a combination of (nanoscopic) vibrational spectroscopy supplemented by the use of model membrane systems, biochemical methods and computer-aided simulations. After completing his doctoral thesis in biophysical chemistry at the Technical University of Berlin, Dr. Jacek Kozuch did research as a postdoc at Stanford University (USA) and is now a junior research group leader within Experimental Molecular Biophysics at Freie Universität Berlin.

This DFG-funded project aims to research how specific interactions with membranes for folding or misfolding of, e.g., β-amyloid or islet amyloid polypeptide can lead to neurodegenerative diseases. For this purpose, surface-enhanced (SEIRAS) and AFM-based nano-infrared spectroscopy (nanoIR) in combination with model membrane systems will be used to track folding trajectories and control them through various boundary conditions.

We offer:

  • the opportunity for a PhD within the stimulating, interdisciplinary and

  international environment of Freie Universität Berlin,

  • the entry into fascinating and biomedically relevant topics of molecular


  • the use and further development of modern vibrational spectroscopic methods.

Requirements and Qualifications

Completed scientific university studies (diploma, master) in physics, chemistry, biophysics, biochemistry or in one of the related natural sciences.

We are looking for candidates with:

Experience with vibrational spectroscopic methods and/or atomic force microscopy; handling biological samples (e.g., proteins); willingness to work in an interdisciplinary environment; friendly and communicative demeanor; ability to work in a team; structured and independent work; knowledge of English; fun and fascination with science, especially in the field of molecular biophysics.

The area of ​​responsibility includes:

  • the independent conduction of this scientific project,
  • the biochemical preparation of protein/peptide samples and the construction of

  membrane model systems,

  • the implementation of nanoscopic and surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy


  • participation in international conferences.

Selection process

Please contact Dr. Jacek Kozuch if more information is required (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / +49 (0)30 838 64888) or visit the FU Berlin homepage:

Applications (including cover letter, CV, certificates, one letter of recommendation as a single PDF) should be sent electronically by e-mail to Dr. Jacek Kozuch: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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