Abstracts may be submitted with OR after registration for the conference and abstracts will only be accepted after payment has been received. Authors are asked to submit a one-page abstract in English via this homepage. Each author may submit only one abstract.
The deadline for abstract submission is March 01, 2022.
Notification of acceptance of scientific contributions as oral or poster presentations will be sent shortly after the deadline. If your abstract has not been selected for a talk, it will be automatically scheduled for the poster session.
Invited lectures will be allocated 35 min plus 5 min for discussion. 20 min (including discussion) will be allocated for oral contributions selected from submitted abstracts.
Poster presentations will be an important part of the conference. Posters should be in DIN-A0 portrait format (i.e., about 84 cm x 119 cm). All posters will be on display during the entire duration of the conference, so that there is ample time for discussion during the breaks.
If you did not submit an abstract when you registered, you can do so here. However, prior registration is a prerequisite.