780. WE-Heraeus-Seminar Developments in Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy Methods for Medicine

Developments in Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy Methods for Medicine

780. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

12 Feb - 16 Feb 2023


Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Tilman Kottke, U Bielefeld • Prof. Dr. Markus Sauer, U Würzburg • Prof. Dr. Joachim Heberle, FU Berlin

Diagnostic techniques in medicine are dominated by analysis of body fluids, by tissue staining for optical microscopy, and by the range of omics approaches. However, these methods represent only a part of the plethora of biophysical methods on biological systems that are continuously being developed. Accordingly, more methods need to be translated into medical application for diagnosis considering the modern challenges of individualized medicine. Ideally, these approaches should be non-invasive, applicable to living systems and yield complementary information to existing standard procedures.

In this seminar, we bring together leading experts in modern, evolving fields such as super-resolution microscopy, near-field microscopy and in-cell spectroscopy with colleagues from medicine to discuss latest advances in biophysical techniques and their possible application to medical questions. Challenges remaining for translation into routine procedures will be discussed.

The conference language will be English. The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation bears the cost of full-board accommodation for all participants.

LINK: https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/developments-in-advanced-microscopy-and-spectroscopy-methods-for-medicine/


DGfB Mini-Symposium - Videos now online !

After the very well received Mini-Symposium of the DGfB on 22 September, you can now access the videos online at the following links:

Kate Poole (University of New South Wales, Sydney): A novel mechanoelectrical transduction pathway that regulates melanoma cell migration and adhesion


Ingrid Tessmer (Julius-Maximilian-Universität of Würzburg): Alkyltransferase-like protein clusters scan DNA rapidly over long distances and recruit NER to alkyl-DNA lesions


Martin Hof (J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prague): Lipid Driven Nanodomains are Fluid and Interleaflet Coupled


Meytal Landau (Technion, Haifa): Polymorphic Protein Fibrils in Infectious and Neurodegenerative Diseases 


Sarah Köster (University of Göttingen): Cytoskeletal Filament Mechanics and Interactions


The password is: DGfB

Thomas E. Thompson Award an Daniel Huster verliehen

Auf der diesjährigen Tagung der Biophysical Society in San Francisco wurde der renomierte Thomas E. Thompson Award an Daniel Huster verliehen.

Daniel Huster

Wir gratulieren Daniel Huster ganz herzlich zu dem großen erfolg!

Daniel Huster 2

Klaus Arnold Publication Prize

Dr. Klaus Arnold, who was head of the Institute for Medical Physics and Biophysics from 1984 to 2007,  was one of Europe's outstanding biophysicists. His name is linked to scientific achievements over many decades, with important contributions in Membrane Biophysics, Biophysics of Biological Tissues, NMR Spectroscopy and Mass Spectroscopy, to name just a few. He pioneered new techniques and experiments and conquered new fields of research for young biophysicists. Klaus Arnold was born in 1942 and passed away in January 2012. In honor of his contributions to the field of Biophysics, a group of Klaus Arnold's friends have set up a fund to support the careers of young biophysicists (Ph.D. students and young postdoctoral researchers) in Germany. Beginning in 2012, a prize is awarded biannually by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik to the first author of an outstanding publication by a young scientist working in Germany. The prize comprises a 500 € award and a certificate presented at the National Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik.

Nominations with a short explanatory statement, the candidate's CV and a reprint of the publication nominated for the Klaus Arnold Publication Prize should be submitted to

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik (DGfB) 
c/o Prof. Dr. Daniel Huster
Leipzig University
Medical Faculty
Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics
Härtelstr. 16-18
04107 Leipzig.

The deadline for the next nominations is 31 August 2018.

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